Software for ODE's

AUTO 2000
AUTO is a software package for continuation and bifurcation problems in ordinary differential equations.

Computer Analysis of Nonlinear DYnamical Systems/Qualitative Analysis. A software package for numerical bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems.

CONTENT is designed to perform simulation, continuation, and normal form analysis of dynamical systems. The current version supports bifurcation analysis of ODE's, iterated maps, and evolution PDE's in the unit interval.

DsTool is a toolkit for exploring dynamical systems. It can do simulation of diffeomorphisms and ODE's, find equilibria and compute their one-dimensional stable and unstable manifolds.

Dynamics Solver
Dynamics Solver is intended to solve initial and boundary-value problems for continuous and discrete dynamical systems. It is possible to draw phase-space portraits, Poincaré maps, Liapunov exponents, cobweb diagrams, histograms and bifurcation diagrams.

Multifario is a set of subroutines and data structures for computing manifolds of dynamical systems.

A universial simulator for dynamical systems, Phaser provides a powerful, yet inviting, computing environment specifically crafted for the graphical and numerical simulations of differential and difference equations, from linear to chaotic.

Strong (Un)Stable Manifolds
Software for computing one-dimensional strong stable and unstable manifolds for vector fields.

XPP is a package for simulating and numerically solving dynamical systems. XPP can handle Differential equations, Delay equations, Volterra integral equations, Discrete dynamical systems, Markov processes, and Bifurcations.

Copyright © 1997 by: Hinke Osinga
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Last modified: Thu Apr 22 15:10:30 2004