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Invariant manifolds of the Lorenz system

The Lorenz system is the three-dimensional vector field

We choose the standard parameter values sigma = 10, rho = 28, but take beta = 0.4. The two-dimensional stable manifold of the origin interacts now with an attracting periodic orbit. The colored bands on the manifold show the steps that are taken by the algorithm. Note how the algorithm slows down each time a new helix around the z-axis is being formed.

Still images of the manifold at several instances during the computation. As the manifold grows, it wraps around the attractor, eventually covering it completely.
The animated gif shows how the stable manifold grows, while it rotates about the z-axis (1.2MB).

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Also: More global manifolds
Copyright © 1998 by Hinke Osinga
Last modified: Fri Sep 8 11:05:04 2000