Multimedia supplement for the paper
Global manifolds of vector fields: The general case
by Bernd Krauskopf and Hinke Osinga
submitted to IMA J. Numerical Analysis

Multimedia supplement for

Global manifolds of vector fields: The general case

Bernd Krauskopf and Hinke Osinga


For any 1 < k < n, we show how to compute the k-dimensional stable or unstable manifold of an equilibrium in a vector field with an n-dimensional phase space. The manifold is grown as concentric (topological) (k-1)-spheres, which are computed as a set of intersection points of the manifold with a finite number of hyperplanes perpendicular to the last (k-1)-sphere. These intersection points are found by solving a suitable boundary value problem. In combination with a method for adding or removing hyperplanes we ensure that the mesh that represents the computed manifold is of a prescribed quality.

As examples we compute two-dimensional stable manifolds in the Lorenz system and in a four-dimensional Hamiltonian system from optimal control theory.

What follows are colored stills and animations of manifolds for the above two examples.

Stills and animations of a two-dimensional stable manifold in the
three-dimensional Lorenz system
Stills and animations of a two-dimensional stable manifold in a
four-dimensional Hamiltonian system from optimal control

Copyright © 1998 by Hinke Osinga
Last modified: Fri Sep 8 11:04:53 2000