Tutors and markers training

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If you are tutoring or marking for the first time you should attend one of these meetings (others may also like to attend as a refresher).

Please reply to Greg Oates about your attendance, or if you require more information.


Alastair (Tutors and markers Coordinator)

n/a Rm n/a, Ext n/a, homepage

Hi all

Just confirming plans for tutor and marker training this semester. There are plans to change the nature of tutor training within the Faculty of Science. Until these are finalised, we will proceed with the same training programme we used in 2009.

We will offer two repeated 1-hour sessions in the first and second weeks of lectures ( the later one is to enable selection of markers, which is not usually completed in the first week), just to familiarise tutors and markers with the expectations and administrative procedures associated with their jobs.

For those tutors who wish to qualify for the Faculty of Science "Trained Tutors Certificate", we hope to offer more in-depth workshops later in the semester (year), either through the Centre for Academic Development (CAD), or within the department. We will notify tutors when these are scheduled.

As usual, tutors and markers will be expected wherever possible to attend one of the departmental 1-hour sessions, and will be paid for their attendance.

The times and rooms are:

Thursday 4th March: 4-5pm, Room 114 Thursday 11th March: 5-6pm, Room 114



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