Tips for Effective Conference Presentations

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Tips for Effective Conference Presentations

An informal workshop in preparation of the

New Zealand Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate Conference (NZMASP 2008)

30 October 2008 3 - 5pm Room 222

Department of Mathematics, 38 Princes Street, Auckland CBD


This low-key workshop is organised as preparation for the NZMASP conference in Whitianga in November. Other students and staff are also welcome and encouraged to attend.

This workshop will be held Thursday 30th October from 3pm - 5pm in the seminar room 222 on the second floor of the Mathematics building.

1. PowerPoint in Mathematical Presentations

Bill Barton

This session will demonstrate and discuss the use of PowerPoint as a tool for giving presentations. The orientation is that PowerPoint not only enhances the visual experience for your audience, but that it is a positive tool for presenters both in the preparation and delivery of their work. Some tips for first-time users will be combined with pitfalls and potentials.

2. Beamer for beginners (by a beginner)

Arkadii Slinko

3. Drawing pictures using PSTRICKS

John Butcher

An excellent talk can become even better when pictures are added. For computer presentations written in LaTeX, there are many ways of inserting graphics and PSTricks is one way of doing this. The pictures are coded using the pstricks package. Figures are represented using simple commands for drawing lines, curves and other elements, as well as more sophisticated objects build up from these. Your final .tex document is self-contained and does its magic by embedding the graphics it generates into your typeset postscript document; this eventually becomes your pdf presentation. This talk will start from simple examples but will quickly reach the level where you will be able to begin using PSTricks in your own work.

Invited speaker(s)

See above


(Post)graduate students in Mathematics and Statistics.

Massey Palmerston North and the University of Canterbury will be part of this Auckland based workshop, which will be remotely viewed through video-conferencing facilities.


Not required. Contact (Dr) Howard Cohl or call 3737599 ext 88605.

Follow this link for more details on this workshop.


Bill Barton, Arkadii Slinko, John Butcher, Howie Cohl

Announce this event on the main Mathematics webpage
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