/* generators for maximal subgroups of TF42.2 */ GeneratorsTF42AutmMax1 := function (a,b) w1 := a; w2 := b; w3:=w1*w2; w4:=w3*w3; w5:=w4*w4; w3:=w4*w2; w4:=w3*w3; w3:=w4*w2; w4:=w1*w3; w3:=w5*w4; w5:=w4^-1; w2:=w5*w3; return [w1,w2]; end function; /* list of subgroups of TF42.2 */ DataTF42Autm := function () F := SLPGroup (2); L := [ rec , rec ]; return L; end function; /* code to find standard generators of TF42.2 and produce listing of maximal subgroups */ MaximalTF42Autm := function (G) x, y := StandardGeneratorsTF42Autm(G); if Type(x) eq BoolElt then "Unable to find Standard Generators"; return false; end if; G := sub; return ListMaximals(G, "TF42.2", DataTF42Autm()); end function;