Primary decomposition of zero-dimensional ideals

This page describes the Magma implementation of the algorithms described in [2]. Also included is an implementation of algorithm ZPDF in [1].

The implementation is available here: primarydecomposition.tgz.

To use the algorithm, after starting magma, type

> Attach("primarydecomposition.magma");
This provides three methods: radical (Algorithm 4.8 in [2]), primaryDecompositionInfinite (Algorithm 5.16 in [2]), and primaryDecomposition (Algorithm 6.5 in [2]).

To use the algorithm ZPDF, after starting magma, type

> Attach("primarydecomposition.magma");
> Attach("gtz.magma");
This provides the additional method primaryDecompositionGTZ (an implementation of Algorithm ZPDF in [1]).

All four methods take as argument a zero-dimensional ideal I with computed Gröbner basis. The method radical computes the radical of I, and the other methods compute the primary decomposition of I.


> R< x, y > := PolynomialRing(Rationals(), 2, "grevlex");
> I := ideal< R | (x^2 + 1)^2, y^2 + 1 >;
> Groebner(I);
> radical(I);
Ideal of Polynomial ring of rank 2 over Rational Field
Order: Graded Reverse Lexicographical
Variables: x, y
Inhomogeneous, Dimension 0
Groebner basis:
    x^2 + 1,
    y^2 + 1
> primaryDecomposition(I);
    Ideal of Polynomial ring of rank 2 over Rational Field
    Order: Graded Reverse Lexicographical
    Variables: x, y
    Inhomogeneous, Dimension 0
    Groebner basis:
        x^2 - 2*x*y - 1,
        y^2 + 1
    Ideal of Polynomial ring of rank 2 over Rational Field
    Order: Graded Reverse Lexicographical
    Variables: x, y
    Inhomogeneous, Dimension 0
    Groebner basis:
        x^2 + 2*x*y - 1,
        y^2 + 1
> primaryDecompositionInfinite(I);
    Ideal of Polynomial ring of rank 2 over Rational Field
    Order: Graded Reverse Lexicographical
    Variables: x, y
    Inhomogeneous, Dimension 0
    Groebner basis:
        x^2 + 2*x*y - 1,
        y^2 + 1
    Ideal of Polynomial ring of rank 2 over Rational Field
    Order: Graded Reverse Lexicographical
    Variables: x, y
    Inhomogeneous, Dimension 0
    Groebner basis:
        x^2 - 2*x*y - 1,
        y^2 + 1
> primaryDecompositionGTZ(I);
    Ideal of Polynomial ring of rank 2 over Rational Field
    Order: Graded Reverse Lexicographical
    Variables: x, y
    Inhomogeneous, Dimension 0
    Groebner basis:
        x^2 + 2*x*y - 1,
        y^2 + 1
    Ideal of Polynomial ring of rank 2 over Rational Field
    Order: Graded Reverse Lexicographical
    Variables: x, y
    Inhomogeneous, Dimension 0
    Groebner basis:
        x^2 - 2*x*y - 1,
        y^2 + 1


The paper includes benchmarks using nine examples. These examples are included in the package, contained in the files
After attaching the packages primarydecomposition.magma and gtz.magma as described above, the benchmarks can be run as follows.
> load "finite1_ilias13.magma";
Loading "finite1_ilias13.magma"
> time pd := primaryDecomposition(I);
Time: 2.160
> time pdgtz := primaryDecompositionGTZ(I);
Time: 3.400

Verbose printing

Use SetVerbose("PrimaryDecomposition", d) to set the verbose printing for the algorithms, where d is a value between 0 and 3.


[1] P. Gianni, B. Trager, and G. Zacharias
Gröbner bases and primary decomposition of polynomial ideals
J. Symbolic Comput. 6 (1988), no. 2-3, 139-167.
[2] S. Jambor
Primary decomposition of zero-dimensional ideals over arbitrary fields
Preprint (2014).