Title : On exceptional homogeneous compact geometries of type C3
Speaker: Jeroen Schillewaert
Affiliation: University of Auckland
Time: 14:00 Tuesday, 12 September, 2017
Location: 303S-561
Tits introduced geometries of Coxeter type, which locally are buildings. Flag-transitive finite geometries of type C3 have been classified by Aschbacher and Yoshiara. Such a geometry is either a building, or it is isomorphic with the Neumaier geometry on seven points. In the compact connected case a similar classification has been obtained by Kramer and Lytchak, such a geometry is either covered by a building, or it is isomorphic to one of two exceptional geometries. We will provide a uniform construction for these two exceptional geometries using composition algebras and show their simple connectedness. This is ​joint work with Koen Struyve.

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