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Sina Greenwood

Research interests


GREENWOOD, S AND REILLY, I.R, On feebly closed mappings, Indian J. Appl. Math., 17(9), 1101-1105, 1986.
GREENWOOD, S.R. AND SEBER, G.A.F., Estimating blood phenotype probabilities and their products, Biometrics, 48, 143-154, 1992.
GAULD, D., GREENWOOD, S, AND PIOTROWSKI, Z, Volterra spaces II, Papers on General Topology and Applications, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 806, 169-173, 1996.
GREENWOOD, S. AND GAULD, D., Microbundles revisited, Proceedings of Prague TOPOSYM 1996, Topology Atlas, 114-119, 1996.
GAULD, D., GREENWOOD, S. AND REILLY, I, On variations of continuity, Topology Atlas, http://at.york.ca/t/a/i/c/32.htm, 1996.
GAULD, D., GREENWOOD, S. AND PIOTROWSKI, Z., Volterra spaces III, Topology Proceedings, 23, 167-182, 1999.
GREENWOOD, S., Nonmetrisable manifolds, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 61, 173-174, 2000.
GAULD, D. AND GREENWOOD, S., Microbundles, manifolds and metrisability, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128, no. 9, 2801-2807, 2000.
CAO, J., GREENWOOD, S. AND REILLY, I., Generalised closed sets: A unified approach, Applied General Topology, 1, no 1, 179-189, 2000.
GREENWOOD, S., Constructing Type I nonmetrisable manifolds with given Υ-trees, Topology and its Applications, 123, 91-101, 2002.
GAULD, D., GREENWOOD, S., Piotrowski, Z., Baire product theorem for separately open sets and separate continuity, Topology Proceedings, 25, 129-144, 2002.
GARTSIDE, P., GREENWOOD, S. AND MCINTYRE, D., Ideal reflections, Topology Proceedings, 27, no. 2, 411-427, 2003.
GREENWOOD, S. AND NYIKOS, P. ω1-compactness in type I manifolds, Topology Appl., 148, no. 1-3, 165-171, 2005.
GOOD, C., GREENWOOD, S., KNIGHT, R., McIntyre, D. and Watson, S., Characterizing continuous functions on compact spaces, Advances in Mathematics, (in press), 2006.
CAO, J. AND GREENWOOD, S, The ideal generated by σ-nowhere dense sets, Applied General Topology, (in press).
GARTSIDE, P. AND GREENWOOD, S., Brunnian rings, Fundamenta (in press).
CAO, J., GAULD, D., GREENWOOD, S. AND MOHAMAD, A., Games and metrisability of manifolds (submitted).