function a = wavemaker(f,alpha,N,h) % wavemaker(f,z,h,alpha) % % program to solve the wavemaker problem. f is the displacement of the % paddle assumed to be evenly spaced with f(1) the value at z = -h and % f(end) the value at z = 0. % alpha is the frequency squared, N+1 is the number of vertical % eigenfunctions to use, and h is the water depth% % % a is the vector of coefficients for the eigenfunctions % cos(k_n(z+h)/cos(k_n h) % % the boundary value problem is described in % % first we solve for the roots of the dispersion equation. k = dispersion_free_surface(alpha,N,h); a = zeros(N+1,1); % vector which will store the coefficents for the eigenfunctions % we calculate the values of z corresponding to f. z = -h:h/(length(f) -1):0; % we need the weight for the trapazoidal rule used to integrate weights = h/(length(f) -1)*ones(size(f));weights(1) = weights(1)/2;weights(end) = weights(end)/2; for count = 1 : N+1 eigenfunction = cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h); integral = sum(weights.*f.*eigenfunction); a(count) = -integral/(k(count)*(innerproduct_h_to_d(k(count),k(count),h,0))/cos(k(count)*h)^2); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % a set of commands used to test this program. Just solves for the % coefficients and shows that they reproduce (approximately) the input f. % h=3;alpha = 2;N=20; % z = -h:h/200:0; % f = (z+h).^2;%f = cos(k(1)*(z+h))/cos(k(1)*h); % % a = wavemaker(f,alpha,N,h); % % k = dispersion_free_surface(alpha,N,h); % % f_approx = 0; % for count = 1:N+1 % f_approx = f_approx - k(count)*a(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h); % end % % plot(z,f,z,f_approx) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % this is a program to calculate the inner product of the eigenfunctions % with themselves. function out = innerproduct_h_to_d(k,kappa,h,d) % program to calculate % \int_{-h}^{-d}\cos \kappa\left( z+h\right) % \cos k\left(z+h\right) dz % first we test for the case when \kappa and k are equal (or nearly equal) if abs((k-kappa)/(h-d)) > 1e-6 out = 1/2 * (sin(d*kappa - d*k - kappa*h + k*h)) / (k - kappa) ... + 1/2 * (sin(-d*kappa - d*k + kappa*h + k*h)) / (kappa + k); else if k == 0 out = h-d; else out = (1/2)*((cos(-k*d+k*h)*sin(-k*d+k*h)-k*d+k*h)/k); end end