function [a,b,c,d] = finite_dock(alpha,h,L,theta,N) % [a,b,c,d] = finite_dock(alpha,h,L,theta,N) % % this program solves the finite dock problem by an % eigenfunction matching. The floe occupies the region -L to L % alpha is the radian frequency squared % h is the water depth and N + 1 is the number of modes. % theta is the angle of incidence % the inner product is calculated using (j-1)*pi/H rather % than the water roots % % a and d the vector of coefficients for the eigenfunctions % cos(k_n(z+h))/cos(k_n h) where k_n are the roots of the dispersion % equation % % b and c is the vector of coefficients for the eigenfunctions % cos(kappa_n(z+h)) where kappa_n = n*pi/h % % the boundary value problem is described in % % % this program was written by Michael Meylan 20/4/08 % % first we calculate the roots of the dispersion equation for the water k = dispersion_free_surface(alpha,N,h); % we need to determine the wavenumber in the y direction k_y = sin(theta)*k(1); % we calculate the roots of the dispersion equation for the dock covered % region kappa = [0:N]*pi/h; % we now find the modified coefficients k_hat = [sqrt(k.^2 - k_y^2)]; kappa_hat = sqrt(kappa.^2 - k_y^2); % if theta == 0 % theta = 0.001; % disp('We have moved theta from zeros to a close value') % end % this problem could be fixed by making the eigenfunctions for j= 0/1 % not exp(i 0 x) and exp(-i 0 x) but 1 and x but I have not % done so. % we calculate the matrix of inner products. A = zeros(N+1,N+1); B = zeros(N+1,N+1); for j = 1:N+1; A(j,j) = innerproduct_h_to_0(k(j),k(j),h)/cos(k(j)*h)^2; for l = 1:N+1; B(j,l) = innerproduct_h_to_0(k(j),kappa(l),h)/cos(k(j)*h); end end % we do not calculate in the most efficient manner but we want the code to % be easy to follow. We now assemble the equations to solve M = zeros(4*N+4,4*N+4); % we enter the equations in four groups corresponding to each matching % first group M(1:N+1,1:N+1) = -A; M(1:N+1,N+2:2*N+2) = B; M(1:N+1,2*N+3:3*N+3) = B*diag(exp(-2*L*kappa_hat)); % second group M(N+2:2*N+2,1:N+1) = -A*diag(k_hat); M(N+2:2*N+2,N+2:2*N+2) = -B*diag(kappa_hat); M(N+2:2*N+2,2*N+3:3*N+3) = B*diag(kappa_hat.*exp(-2*L*kappa_hat)); % third group M(2*N+3:3*N+3,3*N+4:4*N+4) = -A; M(2*N+3:3*N+3,2*N+3:3*N+3) = B; M(2*N+3:3*N+3,N+2:2*N+2) = B*diag(exp(-2*L*kappa_hat)); % fourth group M(3*N+4:4*N+4,3*N+4:4*N+4) = A*diag(k_hat); M(3*N+4:4*N+4,2*N+3:3*N+3) = B*diag(kappa_hat); M(3*N+4:4*N+4,N+2:2*N+2) = -B*diag(kappa_hat.*exp(-2*L*kappa_hat)); if theta == 0 % first group M(1:N+1,2*N+3) = zeros(size(M(N+2:2*N+2,N+2))); % second group M(N+2:2*N+2,N+2) = -B(:,1)/(2*L); M(N+2:2*N+2,2*N+3) = B(:,1)/(2*L); % third group M(2*N+3:3*N+3,N+2) = zeros(size(M(2*N+3:3*N+3,2*N+3)));; % forth group M(3*N+4:4*N+4,2*N+3) = B(:,1)/(2*L); M(3*N+4:4*N+4,N+2) = -B(:,1)/(2*L); end RHS = zeros(4*N+4,1); RHS(1) = A(1,1); RHS(N+2) = -k_hat(1)*A(1,1); sol = M\RHS; a = sol(1:N+1); b = sol(N+2:2*N+2); c = sol(2*N+3:3*N+3); d = sol(3*N+4:4*N+4); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % a set of commands used to test this program. We plot the potential and % its derivative on each side of x = -L and show that they match. You can also check % that the program is correct by making sure abs(a(1))^2 + abs(d(1))^2 = 1 (from % conservation of energy). % uncomment these lines to run the test (except this one) % z = -h:h/200:0; % % phi_minus = cos(k(1)*(z+h))/cos(k(1)*h); % phi_plus = zeros(size(phi_minus)); % % phi_minus = phi_plus; % % count = 1; % if theta == 0 % phi_minus = phi_minus + a(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h); % phi_plus = phi_plus + b(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h)); % else % phi_minus = phi_minus + a(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h); % phi_plus = phi_plus + b(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h)) + c(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*exp(-2*L*kappa_hat(count)); % end % % for count = 2:N+1 % phi_minus = phi_minus + a(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h); % phi_plus = phi_plus + b(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h)) + c(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*exp(-2*L*kappa_hat(count)); % end % % plot(z,abs(phi_minus),z,abs(phi_plus)) % % pause % % phi_minus_n = -k_hat(1)*cos(k(1)*(z+h))/cos(k(1)*h); % phi_plus_n = zeros(size(phi_minus)); % % phi_minus = phi_plus; % % count = 1; % if theta == 0 % phi_minus_n = phi_minus_n + a(count)*k_hat(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h); % phi_plus_n = phi_plus_n - b(count)/(2*L)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h)) + c(count)/(2*L)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*exp(-2*L*kappa_hat(count)) % else % phi_minus_n = phi_minus_n + a(count)*k_hat(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h); % phi_plus_n = phi_plus_n - b(count)*kappa_hat(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h)) + c(count)*kappa_hat(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*exp(-2*L*kappa_hat(count)) % end % % for count = 2:N+1 % phi_minus_n = phi_minus_n + a(count)*k_hat(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h); % phi_plus_n = phi_plus_n - b(count)*kappa_hat(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h)) + c(count)*kappa_hat(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*exp(-2*L*kappa_hat(count)); % end % % plot(z,abs(phi_minus_n),z,abs(phi_plus_n)) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % this is a program to calculate the inner product of the eigenfunctions % with each other. function out = innerproduct_h_to_0(k,kappa,h) % program to calculate % \int_{-h}^{0}\cos \kappa\left( z+h\right) % \cos k\left(z+h\right) dz % first we test for the case when \kappa and k are equal (or nearly equal) if abs(k-kappa) > 1e-6 out = 1/2 * (sin(- kappa*h + k*h)) / (k - kappa) ... + 1/2 * (sin(kappa*h + k*h)) / (kappa + k); else if k == 0 out = h; else out = (1/2)*((cos(k*h)*sin(k*h) + k*h)/k); end end