function [vec_a,vec_b]= circle_dock_matching_one_n(alpha,h,a,n,N) % this program solves the circlular dock problem for one % value of n (the coefficient in the expansion of e^(i n\theta) % % alpha is the infinite depth wavenumber % h is the water depth. % a is the radius of the dock. % % vec_a is the vector of coefficients in the expansion of the water % vec_b is the vector of coefficients in the expansion of the dock % % this program was written by Michael Meylan 25/5/08 and the problem is discuss in % % % We also include a version of the code which uses modified bessel % functions and is more stable at the end (the code is commented) k=dispersion_free_surface(alpha,N,h); kappa = [0:N]*pi/h; % we calculate the matrix of inner products. A = zeros(N+1,N+1); B = zeros(N+1,N+1); for j = 1:N+1; A(j,j) = innerproduct_h_to_0(k(j),k(j),h)/cos(k(j)*h)^2; for l = 1:N+1; B(j,l) = innerproduct_h_to_0(k(j),kappa(l),h)/cos(k(j)*h); end end M = zeros(2*N+2); for p = 1:N+1 M(p,p) = -besselk(n,k(p)*a)*A(p,p); M(N+1+p,p) = -k(p)*dbesselk(n,k(p)*a)*A(p,p); m=1; M(p,N+1+m) = B(p,m); M(N+1+p,N+1+m) = abs(n)/a*B(p,m); for m = 2:N+1; M(p,N+1+m) = besseli(n,kappa(m)*a)*B(p,m); M(N+1+p,N+1+m) = kappa(m)*dbesseli(n,kappa(m)*a)*B(p,m); end end f = zeros(2*N+2,1); f(1) = besseli(n,k(1)*a)*A(1,1); f(N+2) = k(1)*dbesseli(n,k(1)*a)*A(1,1); q = M\f; vec_a = q(1:N+1); vec_b = q(N+2:end); % uncomment these lines to run the test (except this one) % z = -h:h/200:0; % % phi_out = cos(k(1)*(z+h))/cos(k(1)*h)*besseli(n,k(1)*a); % phi_in = vec_b(1)*ones(size(phi_out)); % % for count = 1:N+1 % phi_out = phi_out + vec_a(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h)*besselk(n,k(count)*a); % end % for count = 2:N+1 % phi_in = phi_in + vec_b(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*besseli(n,kappa(count)*a); % end % plot(z,abs(phi_out),z,abs(phi_in)) % % pause % % phi_out_n = k(1)*cos(k(1)*(z+h))/cos(k(1)*h)*dbesseli(n,k(1)*a); % phi_in_n = abs(n)/a*vec_b(1)*ones(size(phi_out)); % % for count = 1:N+1 % phi_out_n = phi_out_n + vec_a(count)*k(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h)*dbesselk(n,k(count)*a); % end % for count = 2:N+1 % phi_in_n = phi_in_n + vec_b(count)*kappa(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*dbesseli(n,kappa(count)*a); % end % plot(z,abs(phi_out_n),z,abs(phi_in_n)) function out = innerproduct_h_to_0(k,kappa,h) % program to calculate % \int_{-h}^{0}\cos \kappa\left( z+h\right) % \cos k\left(z+h\right) dz % first we test for the case when \kappa and k are equal (or nearly equal) if abs(k-kappa) > 1e-6 out = 1/2 * (sin(- kappa*h + k*h)) / (k - kappa) ... + 1/2 * (sin(kappa*h + k*h)) / (kappa + k); else if k == 0 out = h; else out = (1/2)*((cos(k*h)*sin(k*h) + k*h)/k); end end function out = dbesseli(n,z) % this function calcualtes the derivative of besselk(n,z) out = (besseli(n+1,z) + besseli(n-1,z))/2; function out = dbesselk(n,z) % this function calcualtes the derivative of besselk(n,z) out = -(besselk(n+1,z) + besselk(n-1,z))/2; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % this is a version of the program using modified bessel function which is % more stable % function [vec_a,vec_b]= circle_dock_matching_one_n(alpha,h,a,n,N) % % this program solves the circlular dock problem for one % % value of n (the coefficient in the expansion of e^(i n\theta) % % % % % % alpha is the infinite depth wavenumber % % H is the water depth. % % a is the radius of the dock. % % % % vec_a is the vector of coefficients in the expansion of the water % % vec_b is the vector of coefficients in the expansion of the dock % % % % this program was written by Michael Meylan 25/5/08 and the problem is discuss in % % % % k=dispersion_free_surface(alpha,N,h); % kappa = [0:N]*pi/h; % % % we calculate the matrix of inner products. % A = zeros(N+1,N+1); % B = zeros(N+1,N+1); % % for j = 1:N+1; % A(j,j) = innerproduct_h_to_0(k(j),k(j),h)/cos(k(j)*h)^2; % for l = 1:N+1; % B(j,l) = innerproduct_h_to_0(k(j),kappa(l),h)/cos(k(j)*h); % end % end % % % note that we are using the modified bessel functions to get greater % % stability. % % M = zeros(2*N+2); % for p = 1:N+1 % M(p,p) = -besselk(n,k(p)*a,1)*A(p,p); % M(N+1+p,p) = -k(p)*dbesselk(n,k(p)*a)*A(p,p); % m=1; % M(p,N+1+m) = B(p,m); % M(N+1+p,N+1+m) = abs(n)/a*B(p,m); % for m = 2:N+1; % M(p,N+1+m) = besseli(n,kappa(m)*a,1)*B(p,m); % M(N+1+p,N+1+m) = kappa(m)*dbesseli(n,kappa(m)*a)*B(p,m); % end % end % % f = zeros(2*N+2,1); % % f(1) = besseli(n,k(1)*a,1)*A(1,1); % f(N+2) = k(1)*dbesseli(n,k(1)*a)*A(1,1); % % q = M\f; % vec_a = q(1:N+1); % vec_b = q(N+2:end); % % % uncomment these lines to run the test (except this one) % z = -h:h/200:0; % % phi_out = cos(k(1)*(z+h))/cos(k(1)*h)*besseli(n,k(1)*a,1); % phi_in = vec_b(1)*ones(size(phi_out)); % % for count = 1:N+1 % phi_out = phi_out + vec_a(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h)*besselk(n,k(count)*a,1); % end % for count = 2:N+1 % phi_in = phi_in + vec_b(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*besseli(n,kappa(count)*a,1); % end % plot(z,abs(phi_out),z,abs(phi_in)) % % pause % % phi_out_n = k(1)*cos(k(1)*(z+h))/cos(k(1)*h)*dbesseli(n,k(1)*a); % phi_in_n = abs(n)/a*vec_b(1)*ones(size(phi_out)); % % for count = 1:N+1 % phi_out_n = phi_out_n + vec_a(count)*k(count)*cos(k(count)*(z+h))/cos(k(count)*h)*dbesselk(n,k(count)*a); % end % for count = 2:N+1 % phi_in_n = phi_in_n + vec_b(count)*kappa(count)*cos(kappa(count)*(z+h))*dbesseli(n,kappa(count)*a); % end % plot(z,abs(phi_out_n),z,abs(phi_in_n)) % % % % now we have to convert back to the standard bessel functions % vec_a = vec_a.*besselk(n,k*a,1).'./besselk(n,k*a).'*besseli(n,k(1)*a)/besseli(n,k(1)*a,1); % vec_b(2:N+1) = vec_b(2:N+1).*(besseli(n,kappa(2:N+1)*a,1).')./(besseli(n,kappa(2:N+1)*a).'); % % function out = innerproduct_h_to_0(k,kappa,h) % % program to calculate % % \int_{-h}^{0}\cos \kappa\left( z+h\right) % % \cos k\left(z+h\right) dz % % % first we test for the case when \kappa and k are equal (or nearly equal) % if abs((k-kappa)/h) > 1e-6 % out = 1/2 * (sin(- kappa*h + k*h)) / (k - kappa) ... % + 1/2 * (sin(kappa*h + k*h)) / (kappa + k); % else % if k == 0 % out = h-d; % else % out = (1/2)*((cos(k*h)*sin(k*h) + k*h)/k); % end % end % % function out = dbesseli(n,z) % % this function calcualtes the derivative of besselk(n,z) % % out = (besseli(n+1,z,1) + besseli(n-1,z,1))/2; % % function out = dbesselk(n,z) % % this function calcualtes the derivative of besselk(n,z) % % out = -(besselk(n+1,z,1) + besselk(n-1,z,1))/2;