function out = two_d_finite_depth_Green_surface(alpha,R,H) % out = two_d_finite_depth_Green_surface(alpha,R,H) % calculates the finitedepth green function at the for both source and % field point on the free surface for two dimensions. % R is the distance between two points and H is the water depth. % The values of R must % be ordered from the smallest to the largest and be positive. % % Details can be found on % error = 1e-10; % this is the difference between the actual and % estimated answer which we are prepared to tolerate. %first of all we calculate the roots of the dispersion equation N=10; out = zeros(size(R)); mroots = dispersion_free_surface(alpha,N,H); for j = 1:length(R) out(j) = -sum((exp(-mroots*R(j)))./(tan(mroots*H) + H*mroots.*sec(mroots*H).^2)); % Now we determine if the series has converged. last_term =((exp(-mroots(N+1)*R(j)))./(tan(mroots(N+1)*H) + H*mroots(N+1).*sec(mroots(N+1)*H).^2)); %abs(last_term / out(j)) while abs(last_term / out(j)) > error %we have not converged N = N*2; mroots = dispersion_free_surface(alpha,N,H); out(j) = -sum((exp(-mroots*R(j)))./(tan(mroots*H) + H*mroots.*sec(mroots*H).^2)); % Now we determine if the series has converged. last_term =((exp(-mroots(N+1)*R(j)))./(tan(mroots(N+1)*H) + H*mroots(N+1).*sec(mroots(N+1)*H).^2)); end end