function [panelsL,panelsR,panels0,panelsB,panelsF,Nfl,Nfr,Nfm] = ... semicircles_two(Dl,Dr,al,ar,l,r,h,Delta,scale) % INPUT % calculates the nodes for a single plate % D, the extent of the plate % a - the offsets relative to the origin of the centre of the plate % l and r the left and right ends of the domain % h is the water depth % Delta is the (approximate) panel length % Scale is an optional command which scales the circle (so that scale = 0 % corresponds to a dock) %OUTPUT % panelsL -- panels for left control surface % panelsR -- panels for right control surface % panels0 -- panels for the body % panelsB -- body panels % panelsF -- free-surface panels % scale is optional if nargin == 8 scale = 1; end % first we calculate the number of nodes Nbr = max(round(pi/2*Dr/Delta),1); % nodes on right semicircle Nbl = max(round(pi/2*Dl/Delta),1); % nodes on left semicircle Nfl = max(round((-l + al - Dl/2)/Delta),0); % nodes on left free surface (these can be zero) Nfr = max(round((r - ar - Dr/2)/Delta),0); % nodes on right free surface (these can be zero) Nfm = max(round((ar - al - (Dr+Dl)/2)/Delta),1); % nodes on middle free surface Nc = max(round(h/Delta),1); % nodes on vertical surfaces Nbed = max(round((r+-l)/Delta),1); % nodes on vertical surfaces [bodypanels_r,xrl,xrr]=body_shape(Nbr,Dr,ar,scale); [bodypanels_l,xll,xlr]=body_shape(Nbl,Dl,al,scale); %%%%%%% Creat intermediate free surface panels %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dxr=(xrr-r)/(Nfr); dxm=(xlr-xrl)/(Nfm); dxl=(l-xll)/(Nfl); xr=r:dxr:xrr; % Nfr+1 nodes, Nfr panels xm=xrl:dxm:xlr; % Nfm+1 nodes, Nfm panels xl=xll:dxl:l; % Nfl+1 nodes, Nfl panels zf=0; z1 = 0:-h/Nc:-h; xbed=l:(r+-l)/Nbed:r; z2=-h:h/Nc:0; % Panels L panelsL=[xbed(1)*ones(Nc,1),z1(1:Nc).',xbed(1)*ones(Nc,1),z1(2:Nc+1).']; % Panels R panelsR=[xbed(Nbed+1)*ones(Nc,1),z2(1:Nc).',xbed(Nbed+1)*ones(Nc,1),z2(2:Nc+1).']; % Panels Rigid Surface panels0=[xbed(1:Nbed).',z1(Nc+1)*ones(Nbed,1),xbed(2:Nbed+1).',z1(Nc+1)*ones(Nbed,1)]; panelsB=[bodypanels_r; bodypanels_l]; % Panels F panelsF=[ xr(1:Nfr).',zf*ones(Nfr,1),xr(2:Nfr+1).',zf*ones(Nfr,1);... xm(1:Nfm).',zf*ones(Nfm,1),xm(2:Nfm+1).',zf*ones(Nfm,1);... xl(1:Nfl).',zf*ones(Nfl,1),xl(2:Nfl+1).',zf*ones(Nfl,1)]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [bodypanels,xl,xr]=body_shape(Nb,D,a,scale) z_body=zeros(1,Nb); % initialisation %your body shape for i=1:Nb+1, z_body(i) = a+(D/2)*(cos((i-1)*pi/Nb)-j*sin((i-1)*pi/Nb)); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bodypanels=[real(z_body(1:Nb))',scale*imag(z_body(1:Nb))',... real(z_body(2:Nb+1))',scale*imag(z_body(2:Nb+1))']; xl=bodypanels(Nb,3); xr=bodypanels(1,1); end function [N]=bodypanels(eqbodynode) %load('', Nb, Nb1, Nb2) if eqbodynode==1, Nb=input('Enter the number of panels on each body: ') else Nbr=input('Enter Nbr, number of panels on the right body: ') Nbl=input('Enter Nbl, number of panels on the left body: ') end % free-surface nodes [Nf]=input('Enter Nfl, Nfm, Nfr free-surface panel numbers: ') Nfl=Nf(1); Nfm=Nf(2); Nfr=Nf(3); Nc=input('Enter Nc, the number of panels on the control surfaces: ') Nbed=input('Enter the number of panels on the sea bed: ') N=[Nc,Nbed,Nc,Nfl,Nb,Nfm,Nb,Nfr] end end