function [xi,displacement,potential,R,T]=rigid_plate_modes(alpha,gamma,h,L,N,option) % [xi,displacement,potential,R,T]=rigid_plate_modes(alpha,h,L,N) % program to calculate the modes of a floating elastic plate %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Variables: % alpha = frequency squared % gamma = non-dimensional plate mass % h = water depth % L = beam/plate half-length % N = number of calculation points along the plate is 2*N+1 (because % we use Simpson's rule) % % xi are the coefficients for the displacement, and displacement and % potential and the values of the displacement and potential at the 2N+1 points % evenly spaced between -L and L. % % option is an optional argument, if option = 'heave' then we solve % for heave only and if option = 'pitch' we solve for pitch only. % % xi = coefficients in the free modes % displacement = complex displacement % potentiall = complex potential % R = Reflection coefficient % T = Transmission coefficient % % Details can be found on % np = 2*N+1; % Functions: % beam_ev -> mode eigenvalues % beam_em -> dry natural modes % matrix_G_surface -> free-surface Green function %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % define calculation points x = -L:L/N:L; if (nargin == 5) || ~(strcmp(option, 'heave') || strcmp(option, 'pitch')) wn = [1/sqrt(2*L) * ones(size(x)); x/L*sqrt(3/(2*L))]; elseif strcmp(option ,'heave') wn = [1/sqrt(2*L) * ones(size(x))]; else wn = [x/L*sqrt(3/(2*L))]; end % calculate free-surface Green function G = matrix_G_surface(alpha,h,L,N); % solve for the plate radiation potentials phi_r = inv(eye(size(G))-alpha*G)*G*(-i*sqrt(alpha))*wn.'; % calculate added mass and damping coefficients % define simpsons coeff. matrix dx = (2*L)/(np-1); simp = 2*dx/3*ones(1,np);simp(2:2:np-1) = 4*dx/3; simp(1) = dx/3;simp(end) = dx/3; simp = diag(simp); ab = transpose(wn*simp*phi_r); k = dispersion_free_surface(alpha,0,h); % calculate incident wave potential phi_i =exp(-k*x); % solve for the diffraction wave potential phi_d = inv(eye(length(G))-alpha*G)*phi_i.'; % solve for the xi_n's diff= wn*simp*phi_d; % calculate diffraction matrix xi = (eye(size(wn,1)) - alpha*gamma*eye(size(wn,1)) + i*sqrt(alpha)*ab)\(-i*sqrt(alpha)*diff); % calculated alpha_n displacement = transpose(xi)*wn; potential = transpose(xi)*transpose(phi_r) + transpose(phi_d); % we calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients. R = -alpha/(tan(k*h) + k*h*sec(k*h)^2)*((exp(-k*x)).*(potential - i/sqrt(alpha)*displacement))*diag(simp); T = 1 - alpha/(tan(k*h) + k*h*sec(k*h)^2)*((exp(k*x)).*(potential - i/sqrt(alpha)*displacement))*diag(simp); % end of main