function [G,Gn]=bem_constant_panel(panels) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Comments%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %This function gives the integration of the Green's function G and its %normal derivative. The only parameter is the matrix 'panels' which gives %the coordinates of each extremity of each panel all along the boundary %meshing. We will give a simple ewemple of what this matrix could be, but %firstly we will present the organisation of 'panels'. This matrix must %have 4 columns. The 2 first columns define the coordinates (x,z) of the %first extremity of the current panel with respect of the route direction. %Of course the 2 second columns define the coordinates of the other %extremity of the panel. Hence each line of the matrix represents one %panel. Then this matrix is organized with respect of the route direction %of the boundary line treatment, namely for all 1