Bill Barton - Recent Seminars

Seminars (Last Three Years)


November: University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil, Ethnomathematics and Language

November: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mathematics and Language

November: University of Buenos Aires, Brazil, Ethnomathematics


April: AU Latin-America Seminar, Academic Experience in Brazil: Ethnomathematics

June: NORMA01 conf., Sweden, Mathematics & Language: Divergence or Convergence

July: MERGA 24, Sydney, Maths Enhancement Project: Combining Research & Devt.

October: AU Aldis Lecture, Aldis was a Gossip: Mathematics is a Soap Opera

October: AU Cognition Series, Mathematics, Metaphors and Mind


February: MES conf, Copenhagen, A Theoretical Approach to Research and Development

July: MERGA, Auckland, The Mathematics Enhancement Project: The Pilot Phase

August: ICEM-2, Ouro Preto, Brazil, A Methodology for Ethnomathematics

November: ICMI Comparative Study, Hong Kong, Indigenous Mathematics Education

December: NZ Maths Colloquim Undergraduate ESOL Students


January: Workshop on Ethnomathematical Curricula: Umaduddin School, Male, the Maldives

February: Workshop on Ethnomathematical Curricula: Mahibadoo, the Maldives

February: CERME-3, Bellaria, Italy, The Relationship between English and Maths Learning

March: Public Seminar, Dept. Mathematics, University of Pisa, Matematica E Lingua

April: Public Seminar, University of Granada, Lenguaje Y Matemáticas

April: PhD Student Workshop on Ethnomathematics: University of Granada

April: Seminar on Topology, Ankara University, Turkey, Topology & Language

April: Pre-service Teacher Workshop on Maths and Language, Charles Univ., Prague

May: Plenary Panel on Teacher Education, Malmo Mathematics Education Conference

May: Faculty of Education University Autonoma de Barcelona, Lenguaje Y Matemáticas

June: Faculty of Education, Grenoble University, Langage et Mathématique

June: V IberoAmerican Conf. on General Topology, Lorca, Spain, Lenguaje y Topología

June: Institute of Education, London, Mathematics and Language

June: Midsummer World Mathematics Education conference, Goteborg, Sweden, Mathematical Discourse in Different Languages: Implications for Mathematics Teachers

June: Conference on Ethnomathematics, Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, What does international research and teacher experience tell us?

July: MERGA, Melbourne, Australia, The Mathematics Enhancement Project: Using the Concepts of Cultural Conflict, Critical Mathematics Education, and Didactic Contract

August: AU School Applied Linguistics, Mathematics & Language

December: DELTA-3, Queenstown, NZ, Language Issues in Undergraduate Mathematics

Last updated 24 June 2004

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