NZMS Aitken Prize (NZMS Student Prize)

The NZ Mathematical Society offers a prize for the best contributed talk by a student at the annual NZ Mathematics Colloquium.

This prize is known as the Aitken Prize, in honour of the New Zealand born mathematician Alexander Craig Aitken, and was offered for the first time at the Colloquium held in conjunction with the Aitken Centenary Conference at the University of Otago during the week 28 August to 1 September 1995. It will be offered for the third time at the 1997 Colloquium to be held at the University of Auckland during the week 7-11 July 1997. This Colloquium is a joint meeting with the Australian Mathematical Society.

The inaugural Aitken Prize was won by Chris Stephens (University of Canterbury) and in 1996 the joint winners were Anton Raviraj and Thomasin Smith (both from Massey University).

The prize will consist of a cheque for NZ$250, accompanied by a certificate.

Entrants for the prize must be enrolled (or have been enrolled) for a degree in Mathematics at a university or other tertiary institution in New Zealand in the year of the award. During the Colloquium, they should give a talk on a topic in any branch of the mathematical sciences.

A judging panel will be appointed by the NZMS Council, and make recommendations to the NZMS President and Vice-President for the prize. Normally the prize will be awarded to one person, but in exceptional circumstances the prize may be shared, or no prize may be awarded.

Entrants should clearly indicate their willingness to be considered for the prize when they register their intention to contribute a talk at the Colloquium.

Last changed 9 March 1997