Title: Algebraic Algorithms: A Personal Perspective Lecturer: Charles Sims Lecture I. Why Bother? The attitudes of algebraists about algorithmic questions vary widely. For some algebraists, algorithms and computation form a major focus of their work. Others see little need for explicit calculation in algebra, particularly machine calculation. The views of computer scientists about algebraic algorithms differ significantly from those of algebraists and of mathematicians more generally. This lecture will attempt to survey the ways mathematicians and computer scientists look at algebraic algorithms and to discuss the motivations of individuals who study these algorithms. Lecture II. Three Fundamental Algorithms Probably the oldest algebraic algorithm is the method Euclid gives for computing greatest common divisors of integers. Every student of mathematics should know this algorithm. There are other algorithms that are nearly as fundamental, algorithms that should be familiar at least to all students of algebra. This lecture will give a brief discussion to three such algorithms: The LLL lattice reduction algorithm, the Groebner basis algorithm, and the algorithm for finding the order of a permutation group from a set of generators. Lecture III. Finitely Presented Groups, Trying to Beat the Odds The area of finitely presented groups seems at first not to lend itself to useful work on algorithms. Almost every interesting computational question about a finitely presented group turns out to be impossible to answer in general. Nevertheless, many mathematicians have devoted a great deal of effort to attempts to compute with finitely presented groups. Why this optimism in the face of almost certain failure? What has been accomplished?